Tuesday, July 19, 2011

round robin

I am doing a round robin quilt with my local quilt shop group, we have 5 in my group and we all started with one 12 1/2 inch square and each month we get someones block to work on.
We are into the last month so next month I get my own square back! very exciting. This is one I did last month, I added the bright square border and then a scalloped border, I am very pleased with it! This month I have a very pretty block to work on, I wonder what I will do with it! Most likely Applique of some kind as I like doing applique a lot!!! (much more than piecing as i'm not that accurate!

1 comment:

  1. I like your quilt square. The dragonflies a very attractive and the scallops look great. Were they challenging to do? I like all your colors.
